Communication is The "Key" to Productive Parent/Teacher Partnerships
Everyone leads busy lives, so how can parents and teachers stay in touch with each other? Communicating with your children's teachers goes well beyond parent/teacher conferences, consider these other communicative opportunities to stay connected:
Most teachers maintain a website, find out when new information is posted
As homework support, many teachers post explanatory videos on YouTube
Share with your children's teachers the best way to stay in touch, whether phone calls, a communication notebook, or via e-mail, knowing how to stay connected will help maintain the lines of communication
Find out if your children's school has an online grade book to monitor their academic progress
Ask the teachers if they allow parent volunteers, helping out at school is a great way to stay connected
Most important, talk about school with your kids, read all of the materials sent home by their school, and share your own school experiences with your kids. Learning is a constant experience and keeping it at the forefront of your family's communication demonstrates its importance